Be part of the WWLR story...
Join our amazing team of dedicated volunteers helping to run and maintain the railway
You’ll make great new friends and have the opportunity to help our wonderful little railway thrive for the enjoyment of visitors today and for future generations. Volunteers out-of-pocket expenses are met and refreshments are provided. You can also support the railway by becoming a Friend of WWLR.
Email us, call 01328 711630 or pop in and introduce yourself.
Get Involved!
It’s a great place to get involved whatever your role; guard to gardener, duty manager to digger driver, platform assistant to office administrator.
We welcome anyone who can either bring previous experience to the team or learn new skills from a supportive and friendly crew. Dedicate as little or as much time as you like.

Platform Assistants
Could you be ‘the face’ of the railway, in charge of first impressions!?
Meet and greet our passengers and visitors at Wells and Walsingham stations, assist passengers with directions, help with baggage, pushchairs etc, keep the platform tidy and support the guard at busy periods.

Steam Raiser
An early morning shift that prepares the steam loco for service. This is hard, physical work but is a hugely satisfying role. The oohs and aahs from the public as your gleaming engine emerges majestically from the engine-shed first thing in the morning will be a source of great pride; your work sets the standard of the railway.